Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Challenge 2009


This month’s theme is LOAF. Think meatloaf. Think loaf of bread. Think a terrine. Think aspic. Think Jelly Roll. Think onion loaf:

Your choice any type of loaf (log and roll also acceptable).

Remember, you final dish(es) are due by end of March 31.


  1. aspic. Holy moley, you've opened a whole can of gelatinized worms there! I've got my loaf on. I'll let you know when it's done!

  2. And (my lack of culinary knowledge is hanging right out there) what is Treet?

  3. Treet is the poor man's Spam. Essentially, it is Spam just different brand. Though I have always preferred it to Spam. BTW I accidentally voted twice for Treet...I love it so much!!

  4. VOTER FRAUD... nice. I demand that someone be on hand to check IDs before voting.

  5. I do NOT believe that this many people would prefer tofu over ham. I demand a recount!!!

  6. O.K....I'm a bit of a Luddite...never did anything on a blog before. How/where are we to put our recipe and photo essay? Is it part of our profile, or what? Sorry for being so slow on the technology. Any help would be appreciated.

  7. wow, mollie! you set the bar high aesthetically. haven't looked to closely at the recipe yet but just the presentation was spectacular. it's going to be tough to compete with that!
