Monday, November 30, 2009

Mashed Potatoes- Sides- November 2009

Mashed Potatoes are my favorite side. You will need:




White Pepper

Granulated Garlic

Yukon Gold Potatoes

That’s right I’m taking a stand for Yukon Gold’s. They make the fluffiest, smoothest, tastiest mashed potatoes on earth. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES.

I couldn’t find Yukon Gold’s so I used russets.

The amount you make will depend on how many people you’ll be feeding. I usually figure a pound per person. Seems like a lot, but they’re good. The rest is straight forward.

Peel the spuds:

Chop the spuds:

Boil the spuds:

Rice the spuds:

If you don’t have a potato ricer that’s OK, just continue making sub-par mashed potatoes.

Begin beating spuds:

Add Cream, butter, salt, white pepper, and granulated garlic.

Cream and butter is to consistency. Salt, pepper and garlic to taste. I always use equal amounts of white pepper and granulated garlic.

Dish 'em up and enjoy.

The only thing that is needed to complete the meal is the traditional “Horn of Good-n-Plenty”


  1. These, too, were delicious. And I agree re. the yukon golds. And the substitution.

  2. I'd never even heard of a potato ricer, and now I totally want one. Mash-tastic!

  3. i would vote for this just because the pic of simon is so cute! those cheeks! he appears very serious about making sure the masher is in good form. clearly above average on all accounts!

  4. That boy is nothing if not serious. And he figured out how to use the potato ricer very quickly. That's just the way things go here in Muncie where all the women are strong, all the men good looking, and all the children above average...
